Religious Cults & False Teachings
Most Christians are aware of the major religious cults such as Mormonism, Islam, Hinduism, Jehovah Witnesses, Christian Science, etc. But the real deception today is the modern day "reformed" cults that have taken on a new name and crept into the Church with a deadly mixture of truth and error. Take heed of the term "Reformed" or "Reformation" these days. It does not mean what it used to, as we hear of a growing "Kingdom and Reformed Theology" which perverts the Word of God, denies the Rapture, promotes the false doctrine of Calvinism, and claims we must take over the world to usher in the Kingdom of God
Many "reformed theologians" with their titles and teachings of a so-called reformed doctrine, or a new reformed doctrine, means nothing other than to stray from biblical teachings. We shall keep you updated and alert you, but for now here are a few to be aware of along with certain actions within the Churches.
1) Kingdom Theology. Church must infiltrate all worldly institutions as if it is some
type of takeover so that Christ can return. The end justifies the means, whatever it takes. This
teaching sucks Christians more into the world as a part of it, wherein God calls us out of it.
2) Hyper Faith "name it claim it" God wants you rich, all blessings none else. Look in the mirror
they say and claim how great you are! No repentance and NO naming of sins!
3) Hyper Grace; also called "greasy grace" as one slipping and sliding around in sin, like a french
fry in a basket of grease, while still claiming to be saved. The message lacks true repentance.
4) Calvinism; which claims once saved always saved, in which God picks certain
people for Heaven and others for Hell. No free will included, and God has a special elite group.
5) Holy Laughter and the newest "Joke Telling" and comedy shows in Churches in which ministers
claim a new type of calling, by which to amuse and keep the folks happy.
6) Slain the the Spirit in which folks fall backwards on their backs by soothsayers and phony
preachers. Although we believe in all the gifts of the Spirit, this is not one of them. Read Isaiah
28:9-13 which indicates a "falling backwards" as those resisting God, not hearing God.
7) Unitarianism and/or Jesus Only Churches in which they deny the Trinity such as in I John 5:7
(which modern versions of the Bible delete). They are hung-up on all three of the trinity being
the Father only, thus denying the Holy Trinity as scripture says, "these three are one." They also
claim and are hung up on water baptism being an element in saving your soul and they divide the
church over these issues. It is basically come to Church mention only Jesus and get dunked in
water, their primary focus always ends up on these two issues, mention only Jesus and let's
talk about how you were water baptized.
8) Scholarship only Churches in which science and modern scholarship along with
textual criticism are the final authority over God's Word. These are in association
with the Roman Catholic Church although the ministers of such will deny it. Be on the lookout
for certain "modern discoveries" of manuscripts claiming a new and greater authority.
9) Ministers who claim the gifts of the Spirit, along with Apostles and Prophets are
no longer for today. "Something happened" they say, therefore they no longer apply for us today.
10) Ministers who deny the rapture and/or second coming of Christ. Note: we do not
place ministers of a pre-tribulation rapture in a cultic setting, although we do
believe many will lose faith and doubt, when they realize we are going halfway
through the tribulation period. (see our Rapture page).
11) Churches and groups with hang-ups regarding various names of God, 7th day sabbath's,
celebrating certain holy days, which may be fine as a matter of conscience, but not to divide
the church over, and/or become a certain sect within itself.
13) The biggest deception the enemy has accomplished to date, of which modern scholars will deny
any involvement of the devil, are the modern perversions of the bible, preparing a "new age" of
churches with a new one world religion having their own perversion of the bible yet to come.
14) Dog and Pony shows in which an Agnostic Textual Critic who denies the infallibility of scripture
will debate a Jehovah Witness, Muslim, Roman Catholic, or even an Atheist to show an appearance
of doing God's work. Don't be fooled, they are all on the same team with the purpose of opening
even more doors of unbelief in "ministering questions" and leading to the steps of descent towards
Bible Agnosticism. This is what "Go into all the world" has become today, the results and fruits
from the venom of textual criticism.
15) The so-called "Mandela Effect" of which verses and/or words in your King James Bible are
mysteriously disappearing out of your Bible. This may prove true to modern perversions of the
Bible such as the N.I.V., N.A.S. and others (due to new translations), but not God's true Word, the
KJV. This silly theory appears to have been thought up by a bunch of pot smoking kids with nothing
else to do other than add doubt to God's Word along with modern day scholars.
16) Popular baptist doctrine that claims, "I sin every day" or "we all sin" almost sounding as if they are
proud to be overcome by the works of the flesh and the devil on a daily basis. Lacks any overcoming
message for us Christians, as we are promised throughout scripture.
17) So called Messianic ministries that mix up Jewish laws and festivals with being saved by New
Testament grace and faith and then getting hung up on festivals, names of God, such as Yeshua and
acting as though they are Jews and not New Testament Christians. Paul warns against turning back
after knowing God in observing ..."days, and months, and times, and years..." Galatians 4:10 (KJV)
If you desire to be Jewish, then that is your right, but if you want to truly be saved, then the only
way is through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. John 14:6
18) The foolish teachings of "blood moons" and attempting to give dates and times for future events.
It is great for book and movie sales though. It's all a dog and pony show folks, don't be taken in by it.
This sensationalism has nothing to do with bible prophecy.
19) Exposing all these dreams, visions, prophecies, setting of dates, and bean dreams that vain teachers
and preachers have. It is amazing of how many folks fall for these things, but as prophesied, in
the last days they shall itch their ears for fables rather than for the truth.
20) Calvinism and the "I sin every day" teachings are considered heresy and John Calvin's T.U.L.I.P.
followers are in a cult-like trance and addicted to his teachings. Stay away from any Calvinistic
churches, many of them being Baptist churches. Calvin cult followers fixate on the 5-points of
Calvinism more than they do the Bible. John Calvin was also a cruel man with blood on his hands
for murdering many of our brothers and sisters in Christ.