Matthew chapter 24
Due to the complexity of Matthew 24 and the confusion of relating verses 29-31 with the rapture, we deemed this page necessary. Even many Pre-Wrath teachers are now claiming that verses 29-31 defines the rapture of which we will show likewise. This page will serve as a clipboard to our live discussions and replies out there in hopes of clearing things up a bit. Please also refer to our main rapture page, of which is a much more detailed explanation of things to come.
Below is a response to a well intended brother who confuses Matthew 24 with the Rapture. He claims he watched our video, but we are not so sure. So we responded with a few more pieces of meat and scriptures that perhaps he can piece the puzzle together.
Another brother we replied to with an explanation that Matthew 24 is not the rapture, along with the "sickle" in Revelation chapter 14, for the "sickle" in Revelation referred to is the "sickle"at the end of the world, the harvest. Sadly, he also confuses Russia's Invasion of Israel in Ezekiel's chapter 38 and 39, with the attack of Satan after the 1000 year reign of Christ in Revelation 20:7-10, and believes the 144,000 are Old Testament Saints coming back from the dead. (See chart differences below). This brother is in serious need of bible prophecy 101.