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A bit of fun with Bible Prophecy!

Well, in light of all the various doctrines and erroneous teachings out there, we figured, lets have a little bit of fun and humor with some of the crazy beliefs out there. Perhaps it will bring some relief to some of the frustration we ministers feel at times, in our attempt to bring the truth to God's people out there. Perhaps we can help grab a good laugh for you with some of the far fetched views.


Our first example below is an expose of which this gentleman seems to think he is ok in changing the Apostle Paul's "last trump" of I Corinthians 15:51-52 to "the sixth seal" as to the timing of the rapture. Someone inform the Apostle Paul that he meant to say "at the sixth seal" and not "the last trump" thank you. Nowhere in Revelation 6:12-14 is the rapture mentioned or even comes close.

Our next friend believes Donald Trump is the head of the woman and part of the Antichrist system and the United States rides the beast. A bit comical in light of zero scriptures presented.
Next up is convicted felon and fraudster who robbed God's people of millions of dollars, Jim Bakker. We got a great laugh with Jimmy's 2 week dream and vision of a massive Grasshopper, and now is selling jail  soup and slop for up to $4500.00 a shipment. Folks, this one is funny, you got to see the you tube video below. We could not stop laughing for 4 minutes. Enjoy.
The brother below when asked about "the last trump" got thrown off a bit and responded with quote, "I don't think", "I wonder", and "I think" as he got confused because Corinthians was written before Revelation. We had to remind him that both books were written by Holy Ghost inspiration and direction, and that dates did not matter. (II Peter 1:19-21). We have had no response since.
The pictures below say it all. Phony prophecy predictions that never come to pass are great for book and movie sales, but these kind of comical dog and pony shows only make the real thing look bad.
False prophet and money grabber, Benny the Hinn, says to those who expose his false doctrine, that quote, "I wish God would give me a Holy Ghost machine gun, I'd blow your head off"!


Any familiar faces below? SO4J ministries (untested by us) put this poster together.

A brother called Brian, a well intended and great KJV teacher, really does need to go back to the drawing board when it comes to bible prophecy. To equate the prophesied Temple of God to be rebuilt in Jerusalem with a Christians body, is well, let's just say there is a first time for everything, and hearing this, is the first. And this was used in an argument for a pre-tribulation rapture.


And back to Benny the Hinn with the Holy Ghost Anointed suit jacket slap with a star wars twist. A must watch.

And then there is always Robert the Tilton, who quotes, "I don't make this stuff up" as he makes a mockery of speaking in tongues, the true gifts of the spirit, and says, "we have seen midgets grow"! Folks, let us say,  you really can't can't make this stuff up.


Listen to Woman Preacher Paula White beg for 1.5 million dollars as Bingo TV does a good job exposing this phony money grabber. She is included in the other video, entitled, "Satan's top 10 Christian female ministers.


Perhaps it's time for us to mock the modern day prophets of Baal and ask God's people, "How long halt ye between two opinions? if the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him" I Kings 18:21 KJV. If you believe these dog and pony scholar shows and doubt God's Word, (as anti-Trinitarians use James White below as an example of unbelief) then so be it. If not, follow God with trust and obedience to His Word and believe Psalm 12:6-7 with God's promise to preserve his word throughout the centuries. Click the Youtube video below, let's get our own laugh going on here folks, let's mock these prophets of Baal. It's not rocket science to figure out whats going on here folks, just do a little bit of your own INDEPENDENT research!


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